Party chief To Lam rushes to promote his subordinate Luong Tam Quang to General before leaving State Presidency

On October 21, Mr. To Lam officially relinquished the position of State President, allowing the National Assembly to elect a new one.

A day before, on October 20, the state-controlled media reported that Minister of Public Security Luong Tam Quang was promoted to the rank of General. With the rank of General, now Luong Tam Quang is above Deputy Minister Senior Lieutenant General Tran Quoc To in all aspects: position, rank, position in the Party.

The State President is the one who has the right to sign the decision to promote army and police officers to general. Notably, the rank of General is only for those who are assigned to the position of minister, and that is also a necessary condition for Quang to be able to go further. Certainly, Quang’s goal is not only the position of minister, but must be in the “Four Pillars.”

Thus, right before being “stripped” of the position of State President, Lam had scooped up the last ticket for Quang, stepping onto the promotion train, at the same time, creating prestige for Quang in front of his subordinates.

Being forced to leave the State Presidency, it can be seen that Lam has made the first concession. If there is no plan to consolidate power, to regain strength, he may have to accept more concessions in the future.

By scooping up the last ticket for Quang, to be promoted to the rank of General, it can be seen that Lam has made a timely move. Now, Quang can prepare for the next steps, possibly, competing for the position of State President in the 2026-2031 term, with the aim of Hung Yenizing the “Four Pillars,” according to Lam’s direction.

It seems that Lam’s ambition to control the Defense Ministry is difficult. Lam’s power still depends only on the Ministry of Public Security. With the position of Minister, Politburo member, and now the rank of General, it can be said that To Lam has “equipped to the teeth” Quang. The purpose is to give Quang both power and authority to completely control the police forces.

However, whether Quang has the ability to control the Ministry of Public Security with all the “experts” in it or not, it will take time to verify.

Although the Ministry of Public Security is considered Lam’s home ground, there are still other forces lurking, waiting for the right time, especially the force of Tran Quoc To, younger brother of late State President Tran Dai Quang. Lam once made To like a “broken-winged eagle” lying still, accepting the fate of a subordinate. But Quang is not Lam, because many assessments say that Quang’s ability is not equal to that of his predecessor.

The Ministry of Public Security is considered the ship carrying the king. Quang is the captain. Lam’s decision to give Quang the power to steer the ship carrying him is also a big gamble. If the ship deviates, not only Lam will be in danger, but the entire Hung Yen group will also sink. Will Quang have a steady hand at the helm, go in the right direction, or crash into rocks?

Only time will tell.

The storm is coming for Lam and the Hung Yen group. Starting from the military side. Initially, this faction has taken the position of State President away from the General Secretary. In the near future, Lam will have to confront the faction with guns and ammunition in hand, even their “firepower” is stronger than the police.

The military let Lam seize the opportunity to take the position of General Secretary because they are not united.

If the Ministry of Public Security in the hands of General Quang is not united and allows factions to emerge and then fight each other in this ministry, then Lam’s political career will also be in turmoil.

If Quang can demonstrate his mettle like Lam did, then surely, Quang’s future will be very bright. Quang has great support of Mr. To Lam to go far, not having to fight on his own like To Lam before.

Hoang Phuc –